Monday, June 29, 2009
I'm really sorry about my lack of posting lately I really am. But the updates and twilight news should be up again by Wednesday. Thanks for bring Patience and hanging in there!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Robert Pattinson & Emily De Ravin Spotted Out To Dinner Together

Robert Pattinson and Emily De Ravin were just spotted out to dinner together in the Curry Hill neighborhood of NYC. The rumored couple arrived by cab and headed into a popular Indian restaurant in the neighborhood.
The pair are both in NYC filming Remember Me and have caused the rumor mill to go crazy when they were spotted together last week after shooting wrapped up for the film.
wow whats up with the rumors lately [Source
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Last Airbender Tralier
Short Interview of Jackson talking about New Moon:
"But as the films progress, you get deeper into the aura of that mythical world that you establish with the werewolves and getting more into the vampire society and their legacy. It keeps getting deeper. That's the great thing about being in the TWILIGHT franchise: You get to grow with the story and have the characters develop. [When you're an actor in a standalone movie], you only have two hours to develop your character. But when you have three films, you get six hours. It's like you can go anywhere and everywhere. And that's a blessing as an actor."
Although there is no Jackson in the Trailer *sigh* I'm really excited for this to come out. I'm a huge fan of the show.
Kristen Lights Up

x17online has always got the latest pics. They just posted these new pics of Kristen enjoying a quick smoke. I really wish she would stop. I just don't see why people smoke. But i still luv her. So check out the new pics.
New Pics of Rob

x17online has some really cool new pics of Rob in New York. Check them out. There is even on of him Flipping the Bird but actually he's just scratching his hair.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Rob Gets Arrested

Just Kidding! These are new set pics of Rob from Remember Me. Im guessing Rob's Been Bad. Look at the rest at
Kristens New Look!

Kristen Stewart was up early this morning to start work on The Runaways in LA. She arrived sporting another item from her rock-n-roll t-shirt collection, before getting into wardrobe and reconnecting with the real-life Joan Jett behind the scenes. Kristen is dedicating a big chunk of her Summer to this movie, but it sounds like most of you are excited for her to reconnect with Robert Pattinson and the rest of the Twilight gang in a few months on the set of Eclipse.
Kristen is changing more and more these days. I'm loving the vintage look. Check out the rest of the pics here
Friday, June 19, 2009

After putting in a few hours of work, Kristen Stewart was spotted leaving the production office for "The Runaways" in North Hollywood on Friday (June 19).
With a lollipop hanging out of her mouth, the Bella Swan babe strutted past paparazzi and a massive collection of clothes set up as the movie's wardrobe is readied for use.
wow Lollipop numero dos
Check out the rest of the pics here
Poor Rob :(

Robert Pattinson was grazed by a taxi cab in New York while running across the street to get away from hysterical fans. The cab only hit him in the hip and he was uninjured.
The bodyguard next to him yelled, "You see what you did, you almost killed him!" at the fans.
OMG thia is getting out of hand. People are really getting crazy. I mean i know Rob's hot (Duh! lol) but you have to respect him. We dont want him to get hurt now.

Just a few random pics of KStew w/ a lollipop. She was actually on her way over to a production office in North Hollywood. Kristen had recently just talked to daily mail about her new movie:
She tells, “I’m just listening to her music all the time. I’m trying to just make myself aware of the time period and what she was going through. It’s one of the most immense responsibilities to play a real person. Her story’s important. It’s an incredibly triumphant feminist story really.”
To see the rest of the pics check them out here
"I'm Not Dating" Adrian Grenier

Ashely Greene Denies all rumors stating that she is dating Adrian Grenier:
The actress says the People magazine's report that she and the Entourage star "got super cozy all weekend" after meeting last Friday at a surfing event is not true.
"I don't know where that started from!" Greene told Us at the L.A. Lakers championship victory celebration on Thursday. "We ended up being at the same event and we were surfing, and we chatted and of course there happened to be a picture taken of that."
Read the rest here. I mean duh! seriously him with her? I'm still waiting for her and Jackson lol. She already admitted they've both got crushes on each other so who knows . . .
OMG Stop The Rumors Already

EOnline has a new article about Kristen's relationship w/ Michael:
As if Robert Pattinson getting hit and attacked this week weren't enough, now we have Robsten haters attacking them—with suspicious pics conveniently added for that extra-special, fake drama touch. Yes, yes, we've seen the shot of Michael Angarano supposedly leaving Kristen Stewart's house after hanging out together. And we're not making any big fuss over it for multiple reasons. For one, timing's a little shaky. The pic was taken yesterday, and we have footage of Kristen arriving at Joan Jett's hotel at 12 and staying until 6.
To read the rest check it out here.Ok I love Kristen and Michael together. I mean I'd love if her and Rob got together but her and Michael have know each other forever. Don't you guys remember Speak Michael was in that. They looked cute together when they were in that even as kids, and they've been together since. I highly doubt that they would just break up after a life long of friendship and Dating. But you never know i just wish people would leave them alone.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Peter Talks To MTV About His Bet

Peter talks to MTV's Larry Carroll about his bet:
MTV: Explain the contest for us.
Facinelli: Rob DeFranco [@211me] is a friend of mine. He was at my house and saw the backing of my chair from "Twilight" — that piece of fabric that says my name and says "Twilight" on it. He asked if he could have it, and Rob is a betting man, so when I said no, he said, "Well, I'll bet you for it."
MTV: And how did Twitter get involved?
Facinelli: I had just joined Twitter, so he bet me that I couldn't get 500,000 followers in a week. I let the fans decide what Rob DeFranco has to do if he loses — and the sick and twisted minds of my Twitter followers decided that he'd have to dance down Hollywood Boulevard in a bikini singing [Beyoncé's "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)"] with a sign that says "Twitter me." So I think I got the better end of that deal.
MTV: And if that happens, you're going to give away the chair back to a fan?
Facinelli: Yeah. The fans have been having fun with the contest, and I decided last night that if I'm going to lose this chair backing anyway, I'd rather have a fan get it than my friend Rob. So I threw in some incentive last night — if we hit 500,000 by Friday, then I'll give away the backing of my chair to one of my followers.
Read the rest here
Kristen Out Last Night

New pics of Kristen Out Last Night. Check Out the rest here. She looks happy unlike in other pics when she's pissed.
Jackson Rathbone is Producing And Starring In New Film ‘Girlfriend’

Yay more Jackson news! Hollywood Crush has a new article about Jackson. Where he talks about his new movie:
While the 24-year-old didn’t kick us any details about the film’s plot or potential cast, he did talk enthusiastically about the chance both to produce and act in “Girlfriend.” “It’s an exciting time,” he said. “I get to play a part in it and have a little bit more say behind the scenes, behind the camera, which is really interesting. It’s what I’ve always really wanted to get into. I love film. I love the art behind it.”
With his move into producing, the actor is making a bid to become a true Hollywood triple-threat. In addition to roles in films like “Twilight” and the upcoming “The Last Airbender,” Rathbone’s band released an album and several fresh singles earlier this year, and there’s even talk of contributing a single to the “New Moon” soundtrack.
Omg Jackson on the New Moon Soundtrack that would be so cool! Read the rest here
Jackson Rathbone Talks New Moon recently had a chance to talk to actor Jackson Rathbone, who has already finished shooting his return as Jasper Cullen in New Moon:
We wondered if he noticed a big difference with the vibe on set having a new director with Chris Weitz replacing Hardwicke and with the added pressure of making a sequel to such a big hit. "Whenever we got back to film 'New Moon,' the first day I was back, all the cast was hanging out in Peter Facinelli's room and it was just like a family reunion. It was like we'd been away for a month; it didn't seem like a year. It was just really nice to kind of get back together and have that family environment. In terms of having a new director, nothing really changed too much. It was just a different subtle vibe, because the director manages the energy on set. It was great. We all wanted to come together and make another great piece of art for the fans. It's really about what they want to see, because they're the ones buying the tickets."
Read the rest of the article here
Kristen is Rockin The Runaways Shirt

Here is a new pic of Kristen working hard on the set earlier today. Look at the rest of the pics at Kristen Stewart: Production Office Hottie. I have to get a Runaways shirt!
Kristen Talks About Playing Joan

Kristen Talks about playing Joan in a short interview:
Kristen said: 'I'm just listening to her music all the time. I'm trying to just make myself aware of the time period and what she was going through.
'It's one of the most immense responsibilities to play a real person. Her story's important. It's an incredibly triumphant feminist story really.
'She's the first woman to ever start her own record label. So many people know her as just being like one of the coolest people to ever live. That in itself is one of the most intimidating things that I've ever had to confront but she's so cool too.'
Joan is equally enthusiastic about Kristen: 'When her hair is cut and with the right make-up, Kristen should make a really good me.
'She sounded great and played well (on the guitar). She has the passion for it, which you can't really be taught.'
check out the full article here
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Crazies Who Attacked Rob

Here is a pic of the Crazy girls who attacked Rob. I think almost every Twilight fan in New York knows their faces now. I think they should hide lol. I think that a massive hunt for them is about to begin.
I got the pic from here
Not all Twilight Fan Girls are Crazy
Brayndi wrote about her fan encounter with Rob yesterday:
I totally agree with all the comments made about the lack of respect that was shown to Rob yesterday while filming. I am an NYU student and I was there before I had to go to one of my classes, and the pandemonium was even more intense that the pictures or video make it out to be. I am a fan of Rob myself, but I understand that he is WORKING and isn't some circus side show for people to oogle at. I stayed behind the barricades and watched from where the producers told us to. But some of those girls, and I did see the "girls" that made it into the video, were relentless. Every time that he was minutely unprotected they rushed him to try and get autographs and pictures. It was disgusting.
When it was time for me to go to class I walked into the building where most of NYU's classrooms are and just happened to see Rob standing by the elevators apparently trying to escape the craziness outside. (They were also using the building for other movie purposes as well) I approached him very nicely and ASKED him if I could take a picture with him and he was more than nice. He asked me if I went to school at NYU and told him I was actually on my way to class. I commented on the hysteria outside and he laughed. So I hope that I was able to show him that not all fans are as batsh-t crazy as the ones that were mobbing him.
Wow that was so nice. I hope she really did show Rob that not all female Twilight fans are crazy.
Via TwiCrackAddict
Alice's New Moon Wardrobe

Ashley Greene has revealed that denim is a no-no for Alice Cullen in New Moon, and top designers are in. The couture of Michael Kors will be making an appearance with a gray ombré jacket while she darts around Volterra in the Yellow Porsche. “We had a lot more [money and time] to work with,” she said.
The new Alice Cullen look will be a “bad-ass” version of Audrey Hepburn, Ashley noted.
Like wow Michael Kors is one of my favorite designers. I cannot wait to see Alice's outfits in New Moon. I just know they will be amazing. And Ashley was a model for quite some time so she will look fantastic in them.
Taylor at the 2009 CFDA Fashion Awards

Taylor looked amazing last night at the 2009 CFDA Fashion Awards. To see more pics visit JustJaredJr
Monday, June 15, 2009
Attack of the Fan Girl

Wow now i officially believe Robert has reached Beatles status. Today while Robert was in New York filming Remember Me, he was mobbed by a a crazy fan girl. Omg i feel so bad that he had to go through that. I mean seriously give him a bit of space.

Here's the pic of the
To see the rest of the pics visit
New Kstew Pics

Hers are some new pics of Kristen getting gas before she goes to rehearsals for The Runaways. Check out the rest of the Pics at TwiFans
Help Peter!

For those of you who don't know, Peter has recently accepted a bet with a friend of his named Rob, from development company Rob bet that Peter couldn't get 500,000 followers in a week. If Peter fails at reaching that goal by Midnight, Pacific time on June 19th, he will have to hand over the back of his Twilight director's chair, which he does not want to part with. However, if he can reach that goal, Rob has to dance down Hollywood Blvd, in a bikini, singing "All The Single Ladies' by Beyonce, while holding a sign saying "Twitter Me". The best part, Peter gets to video tape it and put it on YouTube for all the world to see! So, if you don't have a Twitter account, go make one and be sure to follow Peter. If you are already following him, you can tell your friends about the bet, and get them to tell their friends. We won't be able to do this without everyone's help. So let's show him what the fans can really do when they put their minds to it!

Oh and hers a little preview of how it will look if peter wins

Pandorum Trailer
This is the new trailer for Cam Gigandet's new movie Pandorum. The movie is about a pair of crew members aboard a spaceship wake up with no knowledge of their mission or their identities. It will be in theaters September 4, 2009. It looks so creepy I'm defiantly gonna go see it.
Teen Choice Awards
Twilight nominated for Teen Choice:
Look at these cool nominations...
"Twilight" and its cast have 12 nominations. High School Musical 3: Senior Year and its cast, Miley Cyrus, and TV's Gossip Girl and cast all have 10 nominations. Jonas Brothers, snagged nine nominations including: Choice Move: Music/Dance, Choice TV Actor: Comedy, Choice TV: Breakout Show, Choice Music: Love Song, and more. So who will take home the most surfboards? That's what we want to know!
Twilight is up for a total of 12 nominations. You can vote daily for Twilight in each of the 11 categories it is nominated in:
Movie: Drama
Movie: Romance
Movie Actress: Drama (Kristen Stewart)
Movie Actor: Drama (Robert Pattinson)
Movie: Villain (Cam Gigandet)
Movie: Fresh Face Female (Ashley Greene, Nikki Reed)
Movie: Fresh Face Male (Taylor Lautner)
Movie: Liplock
Movie Rumble
Music Album Soundtrack
Other Stuff: Male Hottie
The awards show will be on FOX from 8pm-10pm ET/PT on August 10th, with the Jonas Brothers hosting. There’s no word yet if any of the Twilight stars will be attending yet.Go show and support Your Love For Twilight and Vote! Visit the Official Site here
Dakota To Kiss Kristen

Here an article that talks about how Dakota and Kristen have to kiss in thier new movie.
Pardon my barfs, but is Hollywood really expecting people to pay to watch 19-year-old Kristen Stewart makeout with 15-year-old Dakota Fanning in Joan Jett biopic The Runaways? I'm still more comfortable with Dakota when she's taking magical adventures with a cat.
But Life & Style reports that there's a makeout scene between Kristen's Joan and Dakota's Cherie Currie in the film, which is currently in rehearsals in Hollywood. This is still the same universe where people threw a fit over Miley Cyrus showing some shoulder, right? I didn't teleport over the weekend, did I?
All i have to say is Wow.
Check out the article here
Set pics of Rob

New Pictures of Robert While on the set shooting his next film Remember Me.
Working tirelessly on his new movie “Remember Me,” Robert Pattinson was spotted on the New York City set yesterday afternoon (June 14).
The “New Moon” stud looked to be having a marvelous time as he laughed and chatted with cast and crew in between takes.
Check out more set pics at Celebrity-Gossip
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Oh Kellan!

Here are some outtakes from a recent photo shoot that Kellan Lutz did. Kellan's lookin pretty good. Check out the rest at LionandLambLove.
New Pics Of Dakota And Kristen

Kristen and Dakota were Out and About yesterday while filming The Runaways. To me Kristen is starting to look more and more like Joan to me. Especially in these pics. And what do you guys think about Dakota's outfit? To see more pics of Dakota visit JusttJared For More pics of Kristen visit SocialiteLife
Ashley Rides The Waves

Ashley Greene attended the Oakley Learn to Ride fueled by Muscle Milk – Surf Camp and Oakley Learn to Ride fueled by Muscle Milk – Closing Ceremony yesterday. Here are some randoms pics of her Surfing from yesterday. To see more Pics visit LionandLambLove
Saturday, June 13, 2009
KStew & DFan @ Studio
Kristen and Dakota at the studio. One reporter says: I like your new hair style Kristen. other guy says: what a dick lol
ET New Moon Secrets Revealed Extented Clip
Here's a clip from E Online which has released another special clip of ‘New Moon Secrets Revealed Extended Cut’ early today.
It’s one of the most secretive movies ever made, and we’re taking you back inside! Click the video for ET’s extended behind-the-scenes look at Robert Pattinson and his co-stars in ‘The Twilight Saga: New Moon.’
From Rob and Kristen Stewart’s electrifying near-kiss at the MTV Movie Awards, to Thea Andrews’ exclusive ‘New Moon’ set visit where the cast spilled exciting movie secrets, we’ve got the vampire 411!
‘The Twilight Saga: New Moon’ rises in theaters on November 20, 2009.
It makes me Even more excited for the movie! Via MrPattinson
Taylor Lautner at the NHL Hockey Finals

'New Moon' werewolf hunk Taylor Lautner had a howling good time witnessing hockey history at the NHL's Stanley Cup Finals in Detroit on Friday night.
Lautner watched the Pittsburgh Penguins beat the Detroit Red Wings to win the NHL championship in the decisive game of the series.
Just a pic of Taylor out last night at a hockey game. He looks like he's enjoying himself. Haven't had some Taylor news in a while.
Check out loads more pics here
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