Lion & Lamb Love shares a better quality version of the New Edward and Bella still that was shown in the French Premiere magazine released earlier today, you can see all the scans & the entire article translation at Thinking of Rob.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Taylor Lautner Covers ‘Teen Vogue’ Oct-2009
New Moon star Taylor Lautner flaunts his bulging biceps in the October 2009 cover spread for Teen Vogue, on stands Sept. 8th. Here are some tidbits from the 17-year-old’s exclusive interview:
On his alleged summer fling Selena Gomez: “She’s a great girl.”
On Team Jacob fans: “I think fans would love anybody who played Jacob. I’m just lucky to be the one who got the chance.”
On the paparazzi: “You can’t ever really get used to it, because it’s not normal to have people snapping pictures of everything you do. You just have to try not to let it affect you.”
On career aspirations: “I really look up to Denzel Washington as an actor. I’d love to do a film with him one day in the future. That would be my dream come true. And I love the action-drama films like Matt Damon and Brad Pitt do.”
Check out the video of Taylor’s cover shoot at
View & Read more here! =)
On his alleged summer fling Selena Gomez: “She’s a great girl.”
On Team Jacob fans: “I think fans would love anybody who played Jacob. I’m just lucky to be the one who got the chance.”
On the paparazzi: “You can’t ever really get used to it, because it’s not normal to have people snapping pictures of everything you do. You just have to try not to let it affect you.”
On career aspirations: “I really look up to Denzel Washington as an actor. I’d love to do a film with him one day in the future. That would be my dream come true. And I love the action-drama films like Matt Damon and Brad Pitt do.”
Check out the video of Taylor’s cover shoot at
View & Read more here! =)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
First New Moon Tickets
ZOMG!!! Yesterday, I got this e-mail :

Yup, that's right. You can now purchase New Moon tickets in Australia.
The thing is, you must be an member of the "exclusive" cinebuzz club" to have gotten the e-mail. However the good news is, you can still purchase the tickets!!!
So did I buy the tickets? Hale yeah.

{I have censored my personal information}
This is the first New Moon ticket I have ever seen.
{hoping that I have the first one!}
It is a midnight showing-the earliest time legal that we are allowed to watch it- and here is an amazing fact-
For those of you who want to buy tickets- if you live in Australia that is- soz, Americans, etc!
You can buy your tickets here.

Feel free to repost this information on your blog-just make sure you link

Yup, that's right. You can now purchase New Moon tickets in Australia.
The thing is, you must be an member of the "exclusive" cinebuzz club" to have gotten the e-mail. However the good news is, you can still purchase the tickets!!!
So did I buy the tickets? Hale yeah.

{I have censored my personal information}
This is the first New Moon ticket I have ever seen.
{hoping that I have the first one!}
It is a midnight showing-the earliest time legal that we are allowed to watch it- and here is an amazing fact-
I will be watching the New Moon Movie 40 hours before Americans can. And you know why? Aussie's get it on the 19th of Novemeber (American's get it on the 20th, so that's 24 hours, plus a 16 hour time difference = 40 HOURS BETWEEN BE AND YOU WATCHING NEW MOON!
For those of you who want to buy tickets- if you live in Australia that is- soz, Americans, etc!
You can buy your tickets here.

Feel free to repost this information on your blog-just make sure you link
The Allen and Craig Show: Episode 20 Guest Staring Christian Serratos
Allen and Craig think they are on a trip to Wisconsin but end up in Texas, Guest Starring Christian Serratos from "Twilight" and the upcoming "New Moon"
As many of your know I love Evil Iguana Productions and they just had a new episode which stars Christian Serratos. The episode is really funny please watch.
Anna Kendrick - Ladies Who Lunch (Camp, 2003)
Anna Kendrick singing in the film camp. I just posted this because, I love this movie and can watch it over and over. I wanna get the DVD so bad if only my mom would buy it for me *hint**hint* lol. This is the scene where she sabotages her friends performance so she can be the star. If you haven't seen the movie yet i suggest you see it.
New Moon Spoof Stills

Evil Iguana Productions just put up some new stills of their spoof of new moon. Check out the rest of the pictures here. I'm so excited and cannot wait to see it.
Chaske Spencer Photo Shoot

Here are some new pics of Chaske Spencer looking mighty good. I have no idea what photo shoot this is from or what for.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Edward Cullen With Long Hair?

'Twilight' Director Catherine Hardwicke Tells Behind-The-Scenes Secrets
Many "Twilight" fans may think the first film in Stephenie Meyer's four-part saga is darn near perfect, but there are a few things director Catherine Hardwicke would go back and change if she could. "I would have a giant, plastic dome built over the state of Oregon," Hardwicke joked during a one-hour Q&A session at the official "Twilight" convention in Parsippany, New Jersey.
Joking aside, Hardwicke did say she wishes she could have delved deeper into Bella's vivid dreams. "I loved in the book when Stephenie would describe some of the dreams and things, so I really wanted to film some of the dream sequences," Hardwicke said. "And we had a whole plan for this beautiful, underwater dream sequence. [But we had] no money. They said, 'We can't afford it.' We had to do a lot of things with little money because Summit didn't know if anyone was going to see the movie."
"Twilight" Invades New Jersey
Obviously fans came out in droves for the vampire romance, but there were a few other scenes fans didn't get to see. For one, the beloved "blood test" scene from the novel was cut to add variety to the filming locations — and to abate Hardwicke's bloody fears. "I was actually that person that fainted in my seventh-grade biology class," she said. Another thing fans didn't see was a hairy Robert Pattinson. Hardwicke originally envisioned Bella's bloodsucking boyfriend Edward with long hair. "I thought it would be cool if Rob had long, romantic hair," she said. "So we put extensions on Rob and he just hated it. He sat there in the chair for eight hours and was like, 'No.' "
Hardwicke also had Pattinson style secrets to share from off the set. According to the director, Pattinson was sporting a not-so-fresh shirt at the Teen Choice Awards. "I was sitting on the couch next to Rob and he was telling me, 'I didn't know what to wear. I didn't have anything clean, so my friend wore this shirt last night and did a performance.' So his buddy did a whole performance in this shirt and Rob found it on the floor and thought it was the cleanest shirt he had, so he wore it to the awards."
But it wasn't all Rob, Rob, Rob during the Q&A session — Hardwicke offered particular kudos to actress Kristen Stewart. When one fan asked if Stewart could pull of the emotional intensity needed in "New Moon," Hardwicke wholeheartedly replied yes. "She has depth deeper than any actress I've ever known."
Though the session revolved mainly around "Twilight," Hardwicke alluded to her upcoming projects including "If I Stay," "Hamlet," "Maximum Ride" and the recently announced "The Girl With the Red Riding Hood," noting that they are all in the development stages and that she is not sure which she'll work on first. "Any fortune tellers out there?" she asked.
Get your piece of Edward for $2
So I typed in "Edward Cullen" into google maps and something very odd came up...apparantly Edward is for sale! So I submitted the image to , please click on the image to vote for me. Feel free to use this on your blog/site, but please link me :).
Tsk-tsk Edward...and I always thought you had a little dignity...

moar funny pictures
Edward Cullen Available... (and not of the pocket Edward Variety...)
$2 Current Avg bid.... ( With prices this low, you can't afford not to buy him)
Find Deals on New or Used Edward Cullen...(you bet I will)
Tsk-tsk Edward...and I always thought you had a little dignity...

moar funny pictures
Edward Cullen Available... (and not of the pocket Edward Variety...)
$2 Current Avg bid.... ( With prices this low, you can't afford not to buy him)
Find Deals on New or Used Edward Cullen...(you bet I will)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
BooBoo Stewart Photo Shoot
Some really grest new pics of BooBoo. Wow he looks so cute! i think i have a new crush. i wonder if he is too old? a girl can dream lol
First New Moon Soundtrack Song Confirmed

Seth just updated on Stephenie's site.
I just received the following announcement from Atlantic Records (the record label that produced the Twilight Soundtrack):
The first single has officially been confirmed for the New Moon Soundtrack! Death Cab for Cutie has written an exclusive song for the movie entitled 'Meet Me On the Equinox.' Below is a statement from the band about the song:
"We are very excited to be a part of this amazing series of novels set in our own backyard. It just seemed a perfect synergy that a band from the Northwest would create a song for a series of novels set in the Northwest. We wrote 'Meet Me On the Equinox' to reflect the celestial themes and motifs that run throughout the Twilight series and we wanted to capture that desperate feeling of endings and beginnings that so strongly affect the main characters. This song marks the first attempt that Death Cab for Cutie has ever made at contributing new, unreleased material for a film and we are proud to be a part of the Twilight legacy." — Nick Harmer / Death Cab for Cutie
Additionally, we have the exclusive premiere of the soundtrack album cover below! The soundtrack will be in stores on October 20th, 2009, stay tuned for more information!
You can pre-order the New Moon Soundtrack now, and we will be posting more artist information as it becomes available. And, if you need some ideas for things to purchase to qualify for free shipping (over $25), I would suggest the Breaking Dawn Special Edition and the Eclipse paperback, which both went on-sale this month.
Have a great day!
I cant wait! What do you guys think of the cover.
New Volturi Promo Pictures!

TwiCrackAddict has posted brand new promo pictures of the Volturi. They look so amazing. Im so excited for the movie!!!!!!!!! Let the Manip creation begin.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Very Important Please Read

OK so High School for me starts in about 2 weeks. So some of you know what that means. I am only gonna be able to up date on the weekends. So for the next two weeks I'm going to be looking for some people who could help out and update during the week for me. This blog is very important to me and i really don't want it to be forgotten just because I'm not updating during the week. So if you have any suggestions of people who could help out please tell me. An if you would like to help leave your email address as a comment. And if you are already a contributor to my blog i would love it if in about 1 week you could start updating. This is bittersweet because i love blogging but I'm really excited for school also. I'm starting school this year as a junior just like Bella maybe i'll meet my Edward this year *Crosses finger*. Well just plz get in contact with me if you would like to help. Email me at
Monday, August 24, 2009
New Pics of Nikki and Elizabeth in Vancouver

TwiFans has a whole load of new pictures of Nikki Reed out for a walk with Elizabeth Reaser in Vancouver the other day. Check out TwiFans to see the rest.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Forks Sign Moved

Among the first Twilight fans to take photos in front of the newly-moved City of Forks’ Welcome To Forks sign were visitors from Barcelona, Spain: Francisco Vallverdu and his fourteen-year-old daughter Diana Vallverdu. The popular sign was moved Wednesday from its original location on a rise near the Forks Outfitters sign pictured in the background. The move was made to make it safer for fans to take their photos. New highway signage will also make is safer when drivers pull over and park near the sign, which has become an internationally-known landmark.
Edward Cullen Creepy Life Size Twilight Silhouette

Imagine waking up to this every day. Some would find it Creepy but I wouldn't mine. I defiantly have to get me one of these.
Kristen Stewart Isn't 'Important Enough' to Get Free Designer Clothes

Making name in showbiz ever since she starred as Bella Swan in hit movie "Twilight", Kristen Stewart still thinks she isn't "important enough" to get free designer clothes. "The really cool stuff - I never get to keep any of that. Like anything for an event or anything like that," she tells Entertainment Weekly of the clothes she wears to high-profile events.
It is understandable then that Kristen finds it "bizarre" that her young fans are obsessed with copying the clothes she wears. "The things that have been sold out have been the things that people are actually able to get that are semi-cheap," she explains. "Those things like sweatshirts and jackets, those things are mine, which is bizarre to have people go out and buy."
Kristen Stewart, who is currently filming "The Twilight Saga's Eclipse" in Vancouver, Canada, is reported to have donned clothes designed by Yigal Azrouel, Herve Leger and Camilla and Marc for her red carpet appearances.
In another Kristen news, she has been featured on the cover of Dazed & Confused's September issue. Interviewed by the magazine, she complained of being hounded by paparazzi, whom she blamed for often putting he under media scrutiny.
Awww that's so unfair. The clothes that Kirsten wears are so cool. Hopefully one day she would be able to keep the clothes, when she's more famous.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
New Edward and Bella Promo

This is a new promo image of edward and bella. TwiFans says its not a Manip. Idk about this? . . . It looks pretty real.
Kristen at The Salon

It wasn't too long ago that Kristen Stewart debuted her black and mullet-esque Joan Jett 'do, but it's apparently finally time to say bye to the short dark locks. She headed into a Vancouver salon earlier today, as they started changing her hair back into Bella Swan's trademark long mane. It's the same look Kristen was rocking on the cover of Dazed and Confused as well as Entertainment Weekly, and we're excited to see her familiar look return during all the nights out yet to come with her Eclipse castmates.
So now that makes it 3 cast members who now wear wigs. First was Nikki B/c of the hair dying being too much. Then Jackson because of his movie 'The Last Airbender' (which im so excited for). And now Kristen. Check out more pics at PopSugar
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
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